
Research Insights for Business

Our faculty are engaged in cutting-edge research that has practical implications for businesses, organizations, and government. Their research insights address pressing issues like prejudice in business environments, healthcare data, social security viability, marketing insights, and more. Learn from our faculty and their important research ways you can improve the place you work, whether you own your own business or work in a corporation, nonprofit, or governmental agency.

Impact of Unmet Privacy Expectations Across Information, Time, and Space: Evidence from Four Countries: Kunal Swani
The maintenance conversion scheduling problem: Models and insights: George Polak
It's a Matter of Organizational Pride: How Perceptions of Organizational Virtuousness and Competence Affect Employee Behaviors: Rachel Sturm
Improving Data Visualization Skills: A Curriculum Design: Daniel Asamoah
What managers can do about sexual harassment in the era of#MeToo: Rachel Sturm
Predicting Sports Injuries with Wearable Technology and Data Analytics: Amir Zadeh
Improved Algorithmic Techniques for Scheduling Paired Jobs in Production and Services: George Polak
Will College Students Take a Stand?: Kendall Goodrich
Like, Comment, or Share?: Kunal Swani
Do women get punished more for overconfidence in business environments?: Rachel Sturm
How scientists can use social media to analyze data for health insights: Daniel Asamoah
Comedic violence can help ads break through the clutter and reach audiences: Charles Gulas
Is there adverse selection in the U.S. social security system?: Andrew Beauchamp


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