
Success Stories


Student Profile

Science driven

Wright State biological science major Rahul Shah keeps reaching numerous mileposts in his academic and personal journey
Student Profile

Good investment

Student Profile

A great environment

Student Profile

Making basketball his business

Graduate student Riley Voss transferred to Wright State to play basketball and pursue an MBA
Student Profile

Prediction puzzle

Wright State business student Christopher Broach receives a scholarship to help pursue an organ transplant project
Student Profile

Sound judgment

Wright State business major Jonathan Mohr composes soundtracks for film students


Alumni Profile

Forward thinking

Wright State marketing graduate Zach Strauss's Grey Matter earns national acclaim
Alumni Profile

Career in motion

Alumni Profile

A higher purpose

Alumni Profile

Mission ready


Faculty Profile

George Polak

Faculty Profile

Hong Lee

Faculty Profile

Brandon Morris

Faculty Profile

John Dinsmore

Faculty Profile

Kunal Swani



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