Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program


Apr 22, 2014
Wright State ROTC cadets train to win coveted German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency.
Apr 7, 2014
Wright State alumna TyKiah Wright appointed to the Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans by President Barack Obama.
Jan 10, 2014

The Wright State University Foundation appointed four new trustees to its board and named Ron Amos, president of the Dayton market of U.S. Bank and Wright State alumnus, as chair.

Dec 2, 2013

For the first time in the Dayton area, students are being invited to participate in a public professional pledge similar to those taken by CFA Charter holders, law students, medical students and others.

Oct 14, 2013

Wright State University’s Raj Soin College of Business has been named among the best business schools in the nation by The Princeton Review, winning the honor for the fifth year in a row.

Apr 24, 2013

Fifty Raj Soin College of Business students along with Barry James of James Investment Research were inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the highest international business honor society...

Aug 6, 2012

When Captain Tejdeep Singh Rattan, ’01 and ’05, became a U.S. Army officer on March 22, 2010, he made American military history as the first Sikh officer to serve in the Army in more than two decades.

Jun 11, 2012

A graduating Wright State MBA student delivered one of the most unique final project presentations his professor had ever seen...

Jun 5, 2012

A working farm isn’t your typical college classroom. But for a team of Wright State University MBA students, Aullwood Farm was their classroom for a day.

Apr 3, 2012

Wright State’s Center for Global Business and Research and Sogeti have combined forces to offer MBA students at Wright State University an enriching educational opportunity this spring in Paris, France.


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