School of Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management

Keynote Event: Sports Analytics

Wednesday, October 28, 2015
1–2 p.m.
Student Union Atrium

Business Keynote – Enter the Golden Age of Sports Analytics

How analytics are transforming business the world of sports

Featuring: Dr. Dave Schrader of Teradata

Sports Analytics, Oct. 28, 2015

We thank the Wright State Athletics Department for their support and participation in this exciting event! Go raiders! A private workshop with coaches will be held in the morning at the Nutter Center. research workshop will be held after the keynote in the new DAVE lab in Rike Hall. Please contact for details.

The hottest topic in sports today is analytics – the ability to make better decisions based on data and insights. Sports Analytics has a powerful influence in all areas of high performance sports.  It is the present and future of professional sports. Analytical and data-driven teams are able to push the boundaries with data and obtain game-changing competitive advantage. Join the Raj Soin College of Business for an exciting Business Keynote Event that takes a special look into how analytics are transforming the world of sports.

This talk will survey the state of the art for baseball, basketball, football, hockey, and soccer with examples of the best practices of sports analytics in professional teams. Winning in team sports has always been a function of superior ownership, front offices and coaching. ​​​ The talk will concentrate on both the front-office (fan engagement, ticket pricing) and the back-office (coaches, trainers, players) operations in their unique ways of doing analytics. The talk will wrap with career recommendations to those who would like to become a professional in both sports and analytics.

Speaker Bio

Dr. Dave Schrader has 35 years of experiences working for three top-ranked database and data warehouse companies, in the areas of advanced software development as well as marketing.  Recently retired after 24 years at Teradata, he has spent the past year and become a leading scholar and coach on sports analytics.  Dr. Schrader helps university coaches and trainers, such as U-Dubuque and Bryant University on how they can use data to improve athletic performance and operations in the sports business.  Dr. Schrader serves on the Executive Board of the Teradata University Network and is a primary contributor to its content, which provides free educational resource for faculty and students to learn business (and now sports) analytics.  Dave holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Purdue University and travels extensively to give talks at universities around the world, helping students and faculty learn what’s new.


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