School of Supply Chain Management, Marketing, and Management

Emerging Marketing Leaders Program

photo of students giving a presentation

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What is the Emerging Marketing Leaders program?

The Emerging Marketing Leaders program is not a separate degree program, but is an option available to students in the Raj Soin College of Business majoring in marketing. This program will bridge the academics learned in the classroom with real-world marketing problems and issues. If you are accepted into this competitive program, you will receive scholarship funds and opportunities to learn from our board of marketing executives. You will engage in one-on-one mentorships and interactive discussions with these executives, strengthening your business skills while networking in the local business community.

Program benefits:

  • $1,000 annual scholarship award
  • One-on-one mentorship with a local marketing executive
  • Interactive discussions and networking with marketing professionals
  • Networking to help with building your career
  • Unique opportunity to learn from current marketing leaders


The mentor program is a way for you to receive personal, one-on-one advice from an Emerging Marketing Leaders corporate advisory board member. Each board member is matched individually to a students, pairing you with executives that best fit your career interest. The board member will meet you at the fall kick-off meeting and then communicate with you through email, occasional phone calls, or meetings. You are coached to take the initiative to find the best method for communicating with your mentor. Many executives invite their mentees to their company for a tour or to shadow jobs.

Interactive Discussions

Our Emerging Marketing Leaders advisory board generously offers their time and expertise to share their thoughts on the latest marketing insights with you through our interactive discussion. You will interact with these board members on an important real-world marketing challenge proposed by the board member. The coaching, critical thinking, and problem-solving are valuable experience and skills for you. Board members also invite our students to group tours of their facilities and host question and answer sessions.


Real-World Experience

The Emerging Marketing Leaders advisory board is made of local marketing professionals and executives who offer their time and expertise to students in this program through interactive meetings and discussions about contemporary marketing issues and topics. Board members also invite you for group tours of their facilities and host question-and-answer sessions, providing insight into marketing and the business world.

The mentorship portion of the program is a way for you to receive personal, ongoing advice from a board member. Each board member is matched individually with you based on your career goals and interests. You and the board member will meet during a fall kickoff meeting and arrange ongoing communications through email, phone calls, or meetings. You are encouraged to find out the best method for ongoing communications with your mentor and some mentors invite you to tour or job shadow at their company.


If you are interested in applying to the emerging marketing leaders program, you must meet these requirements. You must:

  • Major in marketing at the Raj Soin College of Business.
  • Have at least a 2.75 GPA.
  • Have at least one full year remaining until graduation.
  • Have a desire to learn about marketing in the business world.

How to apply to the program:

  • Submit an essay describing the ways the emerging marketing leaders program would help you achieve your career goals, and how you would contribute to the program. The essay should be about 300 words, in Times New Roman font in 12-point font, and double-spaced.
  • Submit your resume. You can find resume tips in our career advising section.

Submit your essay and resume to the Department of Marketing in 254 Rike Hall no later than Friday, March 14, 2025, at 5 p.m. or email to

After submitting your application, we will arrange an interview with the members of the Emerging Marketing Leaders advisory board. If you are accepted, you will be notified in time for the fall kickoff meeting.

Advisory Board

Our board members participate regularly with faculty and students to focus on program improvements and teaching priorities that will keep coursework aligned with business needs and marketing trends.

Master of Science in Marketing Analytics and Insights Advisory Board


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